The Benedictine Sisters at St. Gertrude Monastery
Newark, DE
"That in all things God may be glorified." (1 Peter 4:11)
~Rule of St. Benedict 57

The Benedictine Sisters are joining with over 100 communities and congregations of Religious Women across the United States in a collaborative Day of Prayer on Election Day, November 3, 2020.
We Newark Benedictines are having a Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and special prayers at 4:00 PM. We invite and encourage each of you to set aside a time and space, convenient for you, for you to offer your own private prayers for a just, fair, peaceful and safe election.
God of all, in this year of election, in these days of discernment,
IGNITE us with the fire of your love.
ENFLAME our hearts with courage to embrace dialogue that transforms and truth that frees.
KINDLE our love with kindness to heal divisions and reconcile relationships.
LIGHT our imaginations with insight to envision and create a world where all are one.
STIR our actions with justice and peace to engage critical concerns and cherish all of life.
FIRE our lives with audacity and hope to risk all for God’s mission.
(Prayer: courtesy of The School Sisters of Notre Dame)
Prayers for Peace
US Election Day
Nov. 3, 2020

A Farewell to St. Gertrude Monastery
Ridgely, MD
August 25, 2018
Today, we welcomed friends and family, oblates, employees, sisters from nearby communities and the President of our Federation of St. Scholastica, Sr. Lynn Marie McKenzie, for a farewell mass and celebration of memories here at St. Gertrude Monastery in Ridgely.
A bittersweet goodbye ceremony, but with open hearts, we are lookng forward to the next chapter of our lives!
SUBSCRIBE to our new YouTube Channel!
One of the first videos published is from our Feast of St. Benedict celebration and Exodus service as we prepare to say goodbye to Ridgely and refound the monastery in Newark, DE.
A Lenten Reflection
3 OSB Connections Blog, 3/28/2018
Fast from Frenzy, Feast on Silence
Tending Life's Rhythm
by Sister Kathleen McNany, OSB
Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore, MD
Emmanuel Monastery, Lutherville

November 1, 2017
The Benedictine Sisters, families and friends gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony for their new monastery on the grounds of Holy Family Church in Newark. Construction is expected to be completed later in 2018.

NCSW is an annual celebration that took place from March 8–14, 2017.
Created to honor women religious, it is a series of events that instruct, enlighten, and bring greater focus to the lives of these incredible women. It’s our chance to recognize all they have done for us. It’s also our hope that as more young women learn about women religious, more will choose to follow their example.
For more information visit the website